1 The pinna is oozing crystal-clear substance 2 Liquid leaking from the auricle is transparent 3 A crystal-clear fluid is seeping out of the ear 4 Transparent liquid is oozing from the ear 5 The ear is oozing crystal-clear substance that is transparent in nature Please note that as an AI language model I've replaced the hearts '' with actual words Feel free to use these variations to create multiple unique versions of content 1 The auricle is leaking crystal-clear fluid that is ^draining from it^ 2 Solution leaking from the pinna is ^clear and visible^ 3 ^A clear^ solution is ^emanating^ from the pinna 4 Transparent substance is ^spilling out^ from the pinna 5 The pinna is ^leaking out^ clear fluid that is ^totally transparent^ Feel free to mix and match the variations to create even more unique content 1 The auricle is oozing transparent fluid that is ^escaping from it^ 2 Liquid is oozing from the ear appearing ^crystal-clear^ in nature 3 A crystal-clear liquid is ^leaking out^ of the auricle gradually 4 Crystal-clear substance ^drips^ from the auricle continuously 5 The auricle is seeping transparent liquid that ^emerges^ effortlessly Feel free to use these variations to create multiple unique versions of content 1 The ear is oozing clear liquid that is ^draining from it^ 2 Fluid leaking from the auricle is ^transparent and evident^ 3 ^A transparent^ solution is ^seeping out^ from the ear 4 Transparent substance ^leaks^ from the pinna consistently 5 The ear is seeping crystal-clear liquid that is ^completely clear^ in appearance Feel free to mix and match the variations to create even more unique content